Assuming The Position

As I was donning my running vest this morning, I was reminded of a story I heard years ago that made me think. Probably urban legend, but thought provoking.

In between two large office buildings there was a parking lot with an attendant. Every day as workers parked, they paid the man with the orange vest, parked their cars, and went to work.

As the years passed, the friendly man with orange vest learned the names of the workers, asked about their families, and was always sure to offer a quick hello and “how do you do”.

At Christmas the workers would bring the man with the orange vest gifts – chocolates, wine, and cards with dollar bills.

Then, one day, the man with the orange vest didn’t show up. The workers assumed that he was sick. Nobody knew his contact information. They didn’t actually know much about him.

The man never showed up again.

After some time the management of the two buildings met to ask what happened to the beloved parking attendant.

“I thought that he worked for you,” each manager said.

The man with the orange vest didn’t work for anybody.

The parking lot was a free lot.

This man simply showed up one day, put on an orange vest, and began asking for money.

For 20 years this fraud continued.

I assume that one day he realized that he had stashed away enough money to retire.

Then, he simply stopped showing up.

Right or wrong, he showed initiative.

Some times all you have to do is show up….and assume the position.

Where are you parked? 🙂



Please note: I welcome comments that are offensive, illogical or off-topic from readers in all states of consciousness.

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