I never felt totally comfortable after I passed this personal training certification exam more than two years ago. The one right here, the one that I refuse to re-certify.
Sure, I was happy I passed it after nine months of banging my head on a computer screen and humping a forty pound book around, but I remember sitting in my car that day thinking, “Now, what am I gonna do?”
Because for two years I watched “would be” fitness coaches staring at the TV while their marks pushed through their halfhearted paces.
There was plenty of improper exercise form and absolutely never a word about diet or nutrition.
I watched trainers standing around all day waiting for clients who never showed, clients who never paid, and results that never materialized.
I would see these rest room attendants shooting the shit ad nauseam about politics, the little league and last night’s sitcoms. No thank you. I don’t have the time for that. I don’t have the patience for that.
What I do have is knowledge. What I do have is experience. What I do have is results.
Four years ago I had to surrender my 230 pound, nearly dead body to the Veteran’s Administration Rehab Facility to wean me off alcohol and prescription medications.
I lost everything: my business, my home, my marriage and even my will to live. I was 70 years old.
In insurance parlance, I was totaled.
So I had to start my fitness journey in a deficit. At less than zero. I had screaming high blood pressure, a hot liver and a cold chance in hell at survival.
There was nowhere to go but up….or straight down.
Every day I set my mind to getting stronger. To learning more about how to live without orange bottles. To learning how to feed myself correctly so I could lose fat and retain whatever muscle tissue was still clinging to my battered frame.
I’m down 55 pounds since that fateful day at rehab. I’m clean, sober and strong. I am now what I call an elder athlete. I can give as good as I get in any situation.
I rebuilt myself from the ground up and I can help you do the same. I teach resistance training, nutrition, weight loss and senior fitness. I also know a lot about addiction and depression. First hand.
These are my hot button, high passion issues.
But remember, I’m not your valet, I’m your advisor. I provide solutions. I have answers. I have a plan. I can get you out of your situation because I’ve been there. I’ve suffered, recovered and learned.
I know how to do this. I’ve been training since Vietnam. I can give you the tools to change your body and your life.
To succeed in these later years, you need to be effective, to be effective you need to be healthy and strong.
For you to be healthy and strong, we need to talk.
So lets.
Please note: I welcome comments that are offensive, illogical or off-topic from readers in all states of consciousness.