Medicine Is A Business

Newsflash! Everybody wants you sick.
The government, the insurance industry, the medical community and big Pharma.
You are of no use to anyone unless you are warming a seat in a posh medical office, a hospital bed, paying your premium, or sitting in line at a CVS drive-thru so you can add to your vast collection of orange bottles.
Big Pharma is hoping for another disease du jour so they can hold their next sales meeting in Hawaii.
When I was a pharma rep, the battle cry from my clients was “send us sick people” or if their not sick, let us test them, or inject them.
When I would visit a large hospital group to defend our Cardiolite pricing, I would have to make my way through all the new, ongoing construction.
I would have to bite my lip to keep from laughing.
Look, we need medicine. We need insurance. We need medical technology, but we don’t have to play into their business plans.
Learn to take care of your health. Read the manual. Don’t let your body atrophy. Move it, feed it, appreciate it.
The last time I was in a hospital, it was to ask for directions.
Word to the wise.

Please note: I welcome comments that are offensive, illogical or off-topic from readers in all states of consciousness.

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