Let’s be honest. If we were serious about our health and fitness we wouldn’t be waiting until New Years to take action. You’re thinking after all the sloth, lethargy and bad food choices you’ve been making, the least you can do is hand over a chunk of money to someone who will gladly make you feel all sorts of unpleasantness for 6- 12 weeks.
You’ll show you, won’t you? To atone for your sins, you think you have to sweat and suffer. But here’s the reality, the experience you are having right now is not sustainable. Because it doesn’t feel good.
Actually, it’s torture, because you let yourself go and your body is in agony from lack of use and nutritious food choices.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Every year I see the cattle call go out to the guilt ridden silent partners of the big box gym down the street. New Years is their Christmas and your guilt is a gift from you.
Let’s start now and follow exercise and meal plans that are sustainable. Your body is very intelligent and doesn’t have to be tortured. It gets it, OK?
You don’t have to get breathless and possibly injured to see results. We’re talking about lifestyle changes, not boot camp. It all starts and ends with awareness.
Move more and make better food choices all year and you won’t be suffering with the rest of the victims who have to go to bed without dinner tonight. 🙂
Please note: I welcome comments that are offensive, illogical or off-topic from readers in all states of consciousness.