I feel like dog shit.
I am barely making it through the day since my second Pfizer Covid injection three days ago. I think they gave me the disease.
I got nothin’.
I dread going to work because I am listless, drained of energy, sore all over and depressed.
I enjoy nothing and turn my nose up at my favorite dishes.
The thoughts of getting on a bike at 5:00 am, in the dark, in busy traffic to get to work as I usually do, fills me with fear and loathing.
It has been years since I’ve come down with anything. No colds, no flu and no stomach bugs. I haven’t had so much as a headache in as long as I can remember.
I am usually always ready for anything.
Now, I feel like I am collapsing into myself.
Normally I sleep well, eat well and live out each day as the celebration it is intended to be.
At 75, I have the lean, muscled body of a teenager and not afraid to flash it. 🙂
I forgot what it was like to run on less than 100%.
I actually forgot how to call in sick to work.
In all those healthy years, I forgot how to suffer.
I forgot how to lay in bed and wait for it to be over.
But now, after that last injection, I remember.
I remember the weakness, the ennui, the sadness and the fear of losing my job because I can’t show up.
Oh, do I remember.
And mostly I remember how much it sucks to be sick. How to be totally out of it. Sidelined.
But then… I remember why I train my body. Because this ain’t no way to live.
I remember why I lace up my sneakers in the middle of the night.
I remember why I feed myself healthy nutritious foods so that my human movement system can run at optimal levels.
I remember why I get enough sleep so my resistance levels won’t ebb.
I remember why I enjoy my life so much because I can participate in it.
I remember how alive and grateful I feel all day, every day.
Maybe the second Covid dose was the shot in the arm I needed to help me remember how wonderful life really is.
Yeah, now I remember. 🙂
Please note: I welcome comments that are offensive, illogical or off-topic from readers in all states of consciousness.